

NOWJOBS is 100% digital. Except for our team! We don't have robots, but a team of motivated people who combine a good dose of humor with hard work. That's why we function like a well-oiled mechanical system. With a hard drive full of knowledge, we ensure that our NOWJOBS app and desktop version function optimally.

Meet the SUCCESS Team

The Success team truly lives up to its name! For customers and students, our Success colleagues are the first point of contact when it comes to advice on the NOWJOBS app, legislation, and so on. In addition, they take care of all employment contracts and payroll. Success guaranteed!

Say "Hello" to Sales

Sales ensures that more companies with job offers can be found in the app. This way, even more students can find their perfect new part-time job via NOWJOBS!

Get to know Marketing

Marketing makes sure that companies and students can find our app! Marketing raises awareness of the NOWJOBS app with vivid emails, funny campaigns, and engaging social media posts. This way, no one has to miss anything anymore!

Are you already following us on Instagram and TikTok? 👀

International Product & IT Team

An intuitive application for students and companies, a platform that is available 24/7 and a partner that takes care of all the administration: NOWJOBS is all of that! This is made possible thanks to a strong product team that defines what features will be integrated into the app and what they will look like.

IT is constantly evolving, so our IT people don't stand still either! Using the latest software, they implement the ideas proposed by the product team. In this way, our IT crowd develops an intuitive and accessible app with features that make life as easy as possible for businesses and students.


That's how cool we are...

Take a look at our most recent international event!