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When you have expressed your interest in a job vacancy, the employer will be notified. Once the employer has made their choice, you will receive further notification as to whether or not you have been selected for the position. Some employers select the appropriate student very quickly, while others prefer to take their time.
Always inform both the company and NOWJOBS about your absence before starting work. You can simply send an e-mail to
If you are posting a job but only want to invite your own favorites, you can specify this in the last step. You have the choice between "invite all available applicants" or "select from your favorites". When you send the job offer to your favorites, they will be notified and can express their interest. This way, you can easily use the app as a communication tool and quickly find out if someone from your favorites can take an open shift.
Publishing a job offer costs you nothing! For each interested applicant, the salary costs are displayed transparently. So you can make your own choice based on skills and costs. You only pay when someone has actually worked for you.
You will always receive your salary on the 15th of the following month, for the days you worked in the previous month. We will transfer your salary to the bank account you specify.