
Earn money whenever & wherever you want

You choose the jobs. NOWJOBS takes care of the rest.
Welcome to the new way of flexible job hunting.


Interested in flexible side gigs that fit your schedule?

With the NOWJOBS app, you're your own boss.

Because you decide where, when, and how you want to work.

Save up for your favorite band's concert. For a city trip with your friends. For a larger shared apartment. Or a new kitchen.

Swipe, work, cash in. And repeat.

That's NOWJOBS. That's the new way of flexible job hunting.


Earning money through NOWJOBS brings joy. // Why? Well, here's why:

Know Your Pay!

You can immediately see how much you'll earn per hour. Earn flexible money through the NOWJOBS app or wreak havoc on your favorite bars - the choice is yours.

Study hard and easy money

Why choose between studying and making money? With NOWJOBS, you can have both. No fixed shifts, no boring routine jobs.

Something for everyone

NOWJOBS ensures a good match between you and companies. We check your preferences and availability so you can find the job that suits you best.

Positive vibes = positive mind

Read reviews about employers before you start. You can also receive reviews. If they're positive, you'll get accepted even faster.


You'll meet people in various fields - both personally and professionally. A good network is always useful.

24/7 available

During halftime at the football game, in the bathroom, or while sitting in lectures: the NOWJOBS app is always there for you, anytime and anywhere.

Know Your Pay!

You can immediately see how much you'll earn per hour. Earn flexible money through the NOWJOBS app or wreak havoc on your favorite bars - the choice is yours.

Study hard and easy money

Why choose between studying and making money? With NOWJOBS, you can have both. No fixed shifts, no boring routine jobs.

Something for everyone

NOWJOBS ensures a good match between you and companies. We check your preferences and availability so you can find the job that suits you best.