
Find flexible jobs while studying in Aachen

Are you looking for a flexible student job in Aachen? Then you've come to the right place! Find the perfect job for you now via the NOWJOBS app. We offer you a large variety of job opportunities in the sectors of hotel and catering, retail, logistics, events or production. Lots of jobs and you are spoilt for choice!

Download the NOWJOBS app now, create a profile and swipe through the job offers in Aachen!

AACHEN: Your city - your opportunities

Aachen is not only known for its Dom and Printen, but also for its very cool student jobs. Of course, we know that your studies have first priority but you still need financial support. Our jobs are conceptualized in such a way that you can determine your working hours according to your schedule and your needs. This gives you enough time for lectures, seminars and exam preparation, while you earn money on the side.

4 steps, 0 worries: how to find a student job quickly


Download the app

Free and without commitment


Complete your profile

Fill out your profile and swipe through job listings


Choose your dream job

You decide where, when, and how you want to work


Show me the money

Watch your bank account grow

Do it like Anna, Philipp and Ina 

Join the NOWJOBS community and find your perfect part-time job. 

This is what our NOWJOBBERS have to say:

“My experience with the app has been very positive. What I particularly like is the spontaneity of it all. For instance, I'm currently working full-time in an unpaid internship. That's why it's especially convenient to be able to choose everything so spontaneously. And overall, it's just really user-friendly.”
Anna - student
“ I would recommend NOWJOBS to anyone who wants to earn money spontaneously and doesn't want fixed contracts. I've been working with NOWJOBS for several months now, and what motivates me to work with NOWJOBS is that it leaves me with more time for leisure activities, the option to take a little vacation, and fulfill some personal wishes.”
Philipp - student
“My experience with the NOWJOBS app has been very positive. The app is available 24/7, you can immediately see your earnings, and it's very fast and straightforward. I would definitely recommend the app because I believe that students should always be spontaneous and flexible, and you can always check if you feel like it and have the time. Then you can also encourage your friends to work together next time.”
Ina - student
“The NOWJOBS app is very user-friendly. You can schedule a job very spontaneously, sometimes even on the same day. For example, if you have a class called off at university, which happens from time to time, you can apply for a job on the same day.”
Philipp - student
“What motivates me is also to relieve my parents a bit and to earn some extra money for my own dreams. For example, for a vacation with friends.”
Ina - student

Flexible student jobs also available in other cities

You're studying in Cologne and fancy a side job? Discover exciting job opportunities.
Flexibility is essential for students who are looking for a job. We offer you jobs that are compatible with your schedule.
Are you studying in Kaiserslautern and looking for a student job? Work wherever and whenever you want.