Urgently looking for staff?
Helping your business, that’s our business!
Urgently looking for new employees? Or would you like to build up a flexible pool of reliable temporary staff? With NOWJOBS you can do it - NOW!
With just a few clicks, you can post job ads for free, send contract offers and find reliable student workers. We've got your back - that's our business!
You need help, we take care of the paperwork.
100% stress-free. 100% digital.
Why is NOWJOBS the ideal partner
for personnel recruitment?
No administration
We take care of the paperwork. You have time to concentrate on your business.
Search & Payrolling
Post jobs ads for free and find helping hands - NOW! Do you already employ student workers? Then register them via NOWJOBS and benefit from favourable rates.
Only pay for hours worked
Stop investing in expensive job ads with no results. With NOWJOBS you can post your job ads online for free and only pay after the NOWJOBBER has successfully worked for you. You confirm the hours and the employee receives his salary. Fair p(l)ay!
100% digital
Post job ads, view applications and send contract offers: everything is done online via our desktop version or the app.
24/7 available
The NOWJOBS app and web platform are available for you around the clock and our team is also always available for you. We are there for you during office hours, after work and on weekends! You are always welcome on our digital job platform.
Handy planning tool
Do you need several employees (m/f/d) working on the same day? With our handy planning tool, you can create a clear schedule.
No administration
We take care of the paperwork. You have time to concentrate on your business.
Search & Payrolling
Post jobs ads for free and find helping hands - NOW! Do you already employ student workers? Then register them via NOWJOBS and benefit from favourable rates.
Only pay for hours worked
Stop investing in expensive job ads with no results. With NOWJOBS you can post your job ads online for free and only pay after the NOWJOBBER has successfully worked for you. You confirm the hours and the employee receives his salary. Fair p(l)ay!