
General questions

What is NOWJOBS at all?

NOWJOBS is the mobile solution to find the right student job for you. The NOWJOBS app allows you to view all job offers in your area and apply digitally - conveniently and at any time.

Before signing the employment contract, we will contact you to arrange an appointment. The employment contract will then be signed at the TIMEPARTNER office closest to you. Don't worry - TIMEPARTNER has around 185 locations in Germany. There is certainly one near you.

I don't have a smartphone, but would still like to use NOWJOBS to find a suitable student job. What can I do?

The NOWJOBS app can be downloaded and used on any device that supports the Android or iOS operating system. Simply download the NOWJOBS app from the Google Play or App Store and find the right student job for you - 100% digitally. Do you have any questions? Then contact us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

I need a certain document or certificate in the context of my employment through NOWJOBS. How do I get it?

Send us an email at and we will process your request as quickly as possible. We can send you all the documents you require digitally.

To whom can I address my questions about the contract and payment?

During your employment, NOWJOBS is your employer and not the company where you work. This means that NOWJOBS is responsible for the correct payment of your wages and the related administration, certificates of incapacity to work, etc. We are happy to help you so that everything runs smoothly. Contact us at