

What does it cost me to use NOWJOBS?

Posting a job offer costs you nothing! For each interested applicant, the salary costs are presented transparently. So you can make your own choice based on skills and costs. You only pay when someone has actually worked for you.

What do I do if my invoice is not correct?

If you have any questions about your invoices, you can always contact us by email or phone.

What is included in the price?

In the app you can see the price per applicant transparently. It also shows how much wages, travel expenses, etc. are to be paid. Due to rounding in the app, the sum on the invoice may differ slightly from the sum displayed. If the employee works more hours than planned, the price will of course be slightly higher.

Is the advertisement of a job offer free of charge?

Of course!

What payment options are available?

It can be paid by direct debit or by invoice.